ConstructionTax Research Tax Credit for Contractors Construction companies may not view themselves as “cutting-edge innovators” like software developers…Paul MashburnApril 25, 2023
Employee Retention CreditSmall BusinessTax Beware of ERC Tax Scams The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) was a valuable tax credit that helped…Paul MashburnMarch 13, 2023
Small BusinessTax Tax Breaks for Small Businesses Taxes are complicated – especially for small business owners. Many just aren’t aware…Paul MashburnFebruary 8, 2023
Small BusinessTax Tax Relief for Small Businesses The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) contains many provisions related to climate, energy,…Paul MashburnFebruary 2, 2023
Small BusinessTax IRS Notices about Information Returns Has your business received an IRS notice CP2100 and CP2100A? These notices…Paul MashburnJanuary 10, 2023
Small BusinessTax 2023 Q1 Tax Calendar for Businesses Here is our tax calendar for businesses with some deadlines during the…Paul MashburnJanuary 3, 2023